Cold cuts

From the meat of our animals,
raised in our farmhouse the Fountain
still traditionally without the use of feed, the following cured meats are made: bresaola, coppa, pancetta, cacciatore,
cotechini and salami.
Typical cheese production from the Bergamo mountains, cylindrical in shape and small in size (about 1 kg).
Production technique: rennet is added to raw cow’s milk from two milkings, heated in a boiler to a temperature of 37° C, in order to obtain coagulation in about 30 minutes. The curd is then stirred with the spannarola and then, by spinning, chopped into smaller parts. Cooking at a temperature of 46° C for about 40 minutes then follows. After a short resting period, the curd is placed in the molds and left for a full day on the wooden draining board. The cheese is placed for a full day in the brine for salting,

after which it is ready to be taken to the cellar for aging, which varies from one month to two years.
Stracchino cheese
Typical mountain cheese, soft and usually square-shaped.
Production Technique:
Freshly milked milk is put into the boiler, to which liquid calf rennet is added. Unlike the production of formaggella, the boiler is not put on the fire to bring the milk to temperature, but left by the side of the chimney to keep the 35° C that the milk has at milking constant. After about 35 minutes, when the curd has coagulated, it is cut and after a resting period it is placed in the molds. The stracchino is salted by hand after a day of draining. At this point it is ready to be taken to the cellar and after a week can already be consumed.

The farm currently consists of 6 cows, 2 heifers, 5 calves, 3 pigs and 7 chickens.
It is surrounded by 6 hectares of land to meet their food needs.
The breeding method is still the traditional one typical of the mountains, where cattle are free to graze in the open air and are fed only grass and hay, without the use of chemical feed.
From the slaughtering of cattle and pigs, meat and cold cuts are made, which are used both for family use and for direct sale.
Livestock farming is accompanied by the production and direct sale of cheese, born from the fresh milk of their own cows, and still traditionally processed organically and naturally, without the use of chemical ferment.
The cheese has been awarded for several years during the “Festinvalle” event in Piazza Brembana.
No less important are the hens, which guarantee fresh eggs every day.
All of our products, in addition to direct sales, are also used in agritourism, so that we always offer customers food homegrown and genuine